No Regerts Laser Tattoo Removal is a specialty laser tattoo removal clinic. Our goal is to provide safe, fast, and effective removal results to help individuals remove their unwanted tattoos, move on from their past self and be current with who they are.
We are Corvallis, Oregon’s leading laser tattoo removal provider and specialize in all things tattoo removal. Whether you want to completely remove a tattoo, selectively remove a part of your tattoo, or wish to lighten your tattoo in preparation for a cover-up, No Regerts can deliver! Our central location, experienced technician, and cutting-edge technology are ready to serve you and your skin’s needs.
Dean Roseland is the owner and operator of No Regerts Laser
Tattoo Removal and earned the titles of Certified Laser
Specialist and Laser Safety Officer. He is an expert in operating
advanced Q-switched laser technology and received world-
renowned training from New Look Laser College, the world’s
leading laser tattoo removal training program.
No Regerts uses the state-of-the-art Astanza Trinity laser to
successfully remove all tattoo ink colors, including resistant
pigments like vibrant blues and greens. Our laser is FDA
approved and administers safe treatment to all patient skin
Furthermore, we’ve partnered with the Jails to Jobs
organization to help formerly incarcerated individuals and
ex-offenders remove inhibiting tattoos that may be preventing
them from getting the job they want, and holding them back
from their ability to move forward in life.